Gebrannte Mandeln Zimt Butter

#Butter | Süße Butter zur Adventszeit mit Zimt und gebrannten Mandeln! Von Türchen, Rezepten, DIY’s, großen Überraschungen und nem richtig krassen Vorgeglühe … die gebrannte Mandeln Zimt Butter m…
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Griechischer Fava Dip mit Chana Dal amp Kurkuma
#Amp | Rezept für griechischer Fava Dip mit Chana Dal & Kurkuma. Traditionelle griechische Vorspeise mit Brot, Pita, Ciabatta oder auf Toast oder Sandwich.
Summer Pasta With Zucchini Ricotta and Basil Recipe
#Summer | A summer pasta should be simple and fresh, ideally made with vegetables straight from the garden or market Look for the best artisanal ricotta; top-quality ingredients make all the difference here.
Our Menu For Christmas This Year
#Christmas | Like many of you, our Christmas is totally different this year! Usually we feast for two days straight with family. Since that won’t be happening, I’m sharing below what I’m making below in hopes that it gives you a little inspiration. My goal: to not spend Christmas in the kitchen or doing a huge clean […]
Vegetable Lentil Stew
#Vegetable | You have to try this healthy vegetable lentil stew. A plant based protein dinner that is gluten free and a hearty comfort food recipe!
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